
The Art of Invisibility with Aleksandra Kotecka and Tomasz Wierzbowski

The work sessions introduce three-part polyphony, basing on the various musical scales of Georgian music, both folk and religious, and making use of basic musical formulas. Through a selected set of exercises developed over ten years of both teaching and learning experience of the leaders, it will aim at developing what can be called a sense of polyphony. Working on a steady breathing rhythm, voice emission and textures, as well as on close listening during singing – not only to each of the three parts being sung simultaneously but to the whole vertical aspect of the music performed at the given moment, results in obtaining such a quality of sound where each of the individual voices disappears in the whole of a given harmony and can be no longer made out. Polyphonic music taken in this approach is a tool for enhancing the focus and improving the quality of presence of a performer.

For more details, see the English description.
Więcej informacji w angielskiej wersji językowej.

Photo by Tobiasz PapuczysPhoto by Tobiasz PapuczysPhoto by Tobiasz PapuczysPhoto by Tobiasz PapuczysPhoto by Maciej Zakrzewski
Photo by Tobiasz PapuczysPhoto by Tobiasz PapuczysPhoto by Tobiasz PapuczysPhoto by Tobiasz PapuczysPhoto by Maciej Zakrzewski